Thursday, July 16, 2009

New bathroom

Well, yesterday my landlord started this major project on my bathroom which began with raising the roof. He told me his crew would be up there working and that I might see a little sunlight through the hole in the ceiling-HA, all of a sudden I heard a loud crash, my dog ran up the stairs barking his little fool head off, and I followed to see what had happened. Well, the entire ceiling had collapsed into my bathroom. There was a 5 foot wide gaping hole in the ceiling and such a big mess I wanted to cry. All I kept saying yesterday was someone could of warned me that this could happen-I would of at the very least gotten my toothbrush out of there and closed the toilet lid. Geez, I could of been given a concussion if I had been in there at the time. I was really mad. I had to pee in a bucket, several times!! If I had been warned I would of skipped the blood pressure meds with the built in water pill for a day, but noooooo, they let me think I MIGHT see a little sunlight. So, I chalk this up to another bad mark against men in general. They fib, they exaggerate, they downright lie, and they never tell you ahead of time that your going to have to pee in a bucket-jerks!!!!!


  1. Wow Dawn! Be thnkful you don't OWN that house! Next time they work on it I think I'd stay in a hotel for a night!

  2. Oh I'm so sorry this happened to you!! But your post about men is so funny!!!

    Thank you for signing up for my Give Away!! Good luck!!

  3. And girl I have to tell you we look so much alike its scarry!!! LOL

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